06/05/2022 by Team Concepts 0 Comments
Maximum Mortgage for Expats: 5 things to keep in mind
Read more to learn about the things you need to pay attention to for getting your maximum possible mortgage as an expat in the Netherlands.
The maximum amount of mortgage you can get is 100% of the cost of the house you want to buy. If you are looking at a €500,000 house, you can effectively borrow €500,000. However, the amount of money you can borrow from the bank is based on a number of factors, the most important being your personal finances.
The first and most important thing to take into consideration for your mortgage is that the higher your income, the higher the mortgage you’re able to take out. You can take out a mortgage alone or with a partner. Should you choose to take a mortgage out with your partner, 100% of your salary but only 90% of your partner’s salary will be taken into the mortgage calculation. Banks will often prefer a registered partnership or marriage when two people are applying for a mortgage together.
Foreign income
Some banks will happily approve a for someone who works outside of The Netherlands so long as they receive their salary in euros in their Dutch bank account.
Should you work outside of The Netherlands and receive your salary in another currency, Dutch banks will usually only calculate 90% of your salary to make up for fluctuations in currency.
Tax status
As someone who lives in and is officially registered in The Netherlands, you might still have a partial non-resident tax status. This means that though you are living in The Netherlands, you may still be paying taxes in your home country or the country where your business is located, depending on the tax treaties that exist between your home country and The Netherlands. It’s important to know exactly what your tax status is and how it might affect your maximum mortgage calculation.
30% Ruling
Simply put, the 30% ruling is a special benefit applied to some highly skilled employees living in The Netherlands. Essentially, it means that you can get 30% of your income tax-free. Your take-home salary ends up being higher with the 30% ruling and can have a big effect on your borrowing capacity.
Type of employment
There are a few things to take into consideration when looking at the type of employment you’re in. The first question is simple: are you employed by a company or are you an entrepreneur?
If you are employed, it’s important to then look at the type of contract you have. If you have a temporary or fixed contract, a letter of intent from your employer can go a long way for getting your mortgage.
If you are an entrepreneur, your work history and the length of time you’ve been an entrepreneur will have a big impact on the amount of money you can borrow.
These are just 5 things that you should keep in mind when it comes to securing your mortgage. The more details you have, the better understanding you’ll have of your own financial situation and what you can expect from an eventual mortgage.
Ready to get started with your mortgage application process? Contact Arjen today for a free consultation!
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